Saturday, January 28, 2017

 Read To Someone
Spending a little time reading aloud to our friends!

 To kick off our hibernation unit, a friendly (and magical!) bear has joined our classroom. Thank you for all the bear food contributions! Our bear will be well fed and will be preparing to hibernate very soon!
 This week, we observed and made predictions about stored fat in a sleeping bear vs an awake bear. The children took turns shaking the butter in the Awake Bear jar to show how the fat breaks down as the bear moves about looking for food. The children know that bears are not true hibernators, but rather "light" sleepers. They were able to make connections and predict what might happen if an awake bear was unable to find food during the long, winter months when food is difficult to find.

Time for a GoNoodle! 
"The Penguins Unite" 

 Using our Rainbow to Make 10

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

For the past few weeks we have been reading and learning about animals in the Arctic. One of our new vocabulary words was BLUBBER (insert giggles!). Today, we did a little investigation using ice, water and Crisco (fat). The following pictures show the kiddos inserting their bare hands into the ice to compare the difference once their hands were covered in blubber. Since MY hands were covered, I was not able to grab pictures of the second part of our investigation, but I promise you, they were delighted!

In Math, we have been working on Making 10. What better way to do that than with marshmallows??