Friday, September 23, 2016


This week we kicked off our Apple Unit!

In addition to our Shared Reading text, Ten Apples Up On Top, we read a few nonfiction texts on apples, watched a video about an apple orchard, and tried to balance an apple on our own heads while walking across the carpet.  It. Was. Hilarious.

We made applesauce, tasted yellow, green and red apples, and of course, graphed our class results of the taste test!

We also completed our first experiment: Sink or Float. The students made predictions and we recorded our results. Not only did we check out if a whole apple would sink or float, but also it's parts- stem, core, skin, flesh and seeds.

We also tried out hand at a little color mixing. Yellow + Blue = Green

 Making Applesauce!

 Our first assembly! Local astronaut!

 Apple tasting!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

This week we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and completed many activities focused on letter identification and letter sounds, as well as color words, counting and manipulating numbers.

On Friday, we sampled some coconut flakes and graphed our results of the taste test! In addition, we completed our first STREAM activity. The children were so excited and really worked well together planning and designing their letter trees!

 Coconut Tasting!

 STREAM - Engineer an alphabet tree that can hold as many letters as possible!